January 14, 2022
Dear St. Luke's,
So many weeks go by without acknowledging the good work that goes into our church life at St. Luke's. I want to pause and celebrate the out-going Vestry class of Christine Kelly, Tim Staples, John Little, and Reisa Kall. This class helped navigate some extraordinary times for Saint Luke's over the last three years. They provided lay leadership spanning the final year with Tuck Bowerfind as Rector, through the search for a new Priest-in-Charge, the calling of Nick, and our ongoing bout with the pandemic. Thank you all for your commitment to Saint Luke's and a job well done. A new Vestry class of four nominees has been identified and will be presented for election during the February 6 parish meeting. Please watch upcoming e-communications for their bio's.
During our last Vestry meeting, Alan Hope, Treasurer, presented a wrap-up of our 2021 operating budget. We ended the year in the "black" with a near $40,000 surplus which will roll over into the 2022 operating budget. The surplus was facilitated by receiving a Payroll Protection Plan grant and a significant increase in gifts (thank you!) during the year.
In addition, Don Hazen, chair of Fabric of Saint Luke's (FOSL), presented a Long Term Building Plan and Long Term Repair and Maintenance Plan. FOSL serves as a planning group to look at facility projects with recommendations to the Vestry for action. Don summarized key elements of the Building Plan. Originally we envisioned nine large projects of which, with completion of the Parish Hall renovation, four are complete. 2022 will be a planning year with no new start major projects anticipated. The Parish Hall renovation is complete except for the final doors, which have since arrived. Installation of the audio/visual control unit is anticipated for February.
Led by Christine Kelly, we continue to work with our architect to finalize the design for the parking lot lighting project. We expect to have the final design shortly and will then move into the bid phase of the project. Please join us this Sunday at the Adult Forum when Christine presents a summary of this project. For those who are unable to attend, a written report is available.
Father Nick provided a re-cap of the Christmas season services and events and an overview of worship plans moving forward into Lent. Did you know that Saint Luke's is one of a few churches within the Diocese still holding in-person services? We continue to monitor guidance from the Diocese and adjust our response to COVID as the situation warrants. Please remain prayerful, vigilant, and flexible as we navigate forward.
Together with Father Nick, the Warden's are in dialogue with Diocesan authority to discern the path to elevate Nick from Priest-in-Charge to Rector, a main agenda item of the March Vestry Retreat. There are several phases, beginning with a Mutual Ministry Review, as we take stock of our working relationship to fulfill the mission of our church.
Finally, mark your calendar and save the date for the Annual Parish Meeting following the 10:00 a.m. service on February 6. We anticipate this will be a virtual meeting.
Again, I am truly grateful for the outgoing Vestry class' considerable skills, presence, willingness to help achieve our mission and vision at St. Luke's.
Thank you.
Richard McFarland
Senior Warden