PLEDGE your ongoing support to St. Luke’s
ENROLL in online giving (the office can no longer do this for you)
GIVE to St. Luke’s regularly and for special collections (staff will never solicit direct gifts)
CONSIDER a gift of stock
PLAN ahead and pledge a gift to St. Luke’s Endowment Fund.
Pledges, usually for the upcoming year, help St. Luke’s plan in advance. Our operating budget is heavily dependent on pledged contributions from our parishioners.
Pledges can be made or updated online by filling out a pledge form here. You will need to enter your name, the percentage increase in your pledge from 2022 or an amount for 2023, your contact information (so that we can update our internal church directory), and select from a few giving methods (such as online payments). If you don’t know your 2022 pledge amount, check the box in the form and we’ll email it to you!
Online giving
Online giving via direct transfer, credit, and debit cards is now here! It can be used to make regularly scheduled pledge and building fund payments (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.) and to make special gifts or offerings (community outreach, special collections, memorial gifts, etc.).
Your online gifts are automatically deposited in St. Luke’s accounts, and the information is transfered directly to your statement. Additionally, regular contributions mitigate the monthly ups and downs of income to support our operating budget.
You control your information on our online giving portal, so you must create a login and sign up, much like online shopping.
Before you click on OR text StLukesAlexVA to 73256, please have your bank account, credit card, or debit card information ready. You will be able to select the amount (for each donation), the fund that you are donating to (such as 2024 pledge), the type of occurrence (weekly, monthly, etc.), and the start and end date of your donations. If you’d like to confirm that you’ve entered your recurring gift correctly, please contact the office.
By the way, we continue to accept checks sent in the mail and in the plate at in-person services.
Example below:
You can unschedule your 2023 gifts by editing the end date:
Your pledge payments are credited to the fund by year, as in “2023 pledge” and “2024 pledge”
Your financial advisors may suggest that it would advantageous for you to make donations to St. Luke’s through a gift of stock. Please contact the Parish Administrator for details and to designate the gift fund (building fund, operating fund, etc.).
The Endowment Fund of St. Luke’s Church was established to provide long-term investments for the support and benefit of the programs and ministries of the church. The Endowment Fund is distinct from other giving opportunities such as the Annual Pledge Campaign or special Building and Capital Campaigns.
Through the Endowment Fund, St. Luke’s members and friends may make gifts to the church which become part of the permanent fund that continues to give as a loving memorial to the donor or a designated person.
Gifts to the Endowment Fund can be made indirectly or as planned gifts. There are numerous planned giving options. Please consult your estate planner or attorney for specific guidance.