The Rev. Nicholas Hull, Rector

Nick did not send you the request for gift cards, nor will he ever ask you for money (outside of Stewardship and Capital Campaigns… and that wish list thing, but other than that never!) Go ahead and delete that e-mail from him saying you need to send things discretely. It is a scam.

Nick is not certain why these biographies are always written in the third person considering they are clearly people talking about themselves. Nick doesn’t think anyone really gets someone else to write their staff biographies, so why is this a thing? Rather than breaking with this apparently common practice, Nick is just going get on with it.

Nick lives in the neighborhood with his spouse, two young children and two rescued pit-mixes named after legumes. Before having children, Nick found great joy in going on adventures involving international travel and being outdoors. He has hiked most of the Appalachian Trail, has an unexplained interest in Eastern Europe, loves mountain biking, and paddleboarding down rivers with Vanilla Bean (one of the dogs). Now, his primary hobby is raising children. His enthusiasm for parenting has earned him the nickname “Father” Nick.

Nick strives to worship authentically, but without pretense. He loves trying new things, even when they will likely not be successful, and cares a great deal about making St. Luke’s a faithful and happy place.


Susan Bentley, Parish Administrator

Parish Administrator Susan Bentley has always enjoyed connecting with people, and today she spends her time connecting St. Lukers to ministries, to each other, and with the activities of the parish. Her experience in operations management and role as St. Luke’s bookkeeper also means that administration is a big part of her job. Living nearby and attending many parking lot events, Susan knew many St. Lukers when she joined us in 2014. She also owns a quilting business and quilts in her spare time. Susan has a Lay Certificate in Church Leadership from Wesley Theological Seminary, and degrees from Cornell University and Penn State.


Kate Weber-Petrova, Organist and Choirmaster

Inspired by her passion for music, teaching, and history, Kate Weber-Petrova unites these three disciplines in her professional life as a performer, teacher, and music historian.  Kate has been a professional church musician and music teacher for about twenty years. She holds a bachelor of music from the Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University, and a master of arts from the University of Maryland, where she was previously a musicology lecturer. When away from her instruments, Kate enjoys spending time with her family and staying active outdoors. She is thrilled to be at St. Luke’s and hopes to inspire others to be part of its music ministry.


Cecil Allen, Sexton and Facility Manager

An expert in all things construction and maintenance, Cecil has been an invaluable asset to the St. Luke’s team since he started in April of 2022. Cecil is a native of Jamaica, has deep Christian faith, and considers his work at St. Luke’s to be a ministry as well as an occupation. Our community is grateful that he is called to serve in keeping our facility up and running, and putting a smile on anyone’s face that has the opportunity to work with him.

Fr. Nick is slowly creating a photo-journal of Cecil’s projects here.


Andrew Manous - Nave Sexton

Andrew grew up in St. Luke’s and has taken on the sacred duty of keeping our worship space neat and tidy. If you have filled out a yellow card to get added to the newsletter list, you can thank Andrew. If you like your prayer books and hymnals nice and organized, then you can thank Andrew. Andrew also assists with the Day School Chapel service, and often wrangles Vanilla Bean (the four-legged Day School Chaplain) when she is being a bit extra.


Mary Grace McPeek and Kristen Manous

Mary Grace and Kristen have very different statures. One may be taller, and the other shorter, but both grew up in St. Luke’s, and have an innate knack for working with children. They have been working in the nursery since the fall of 2021, and are extremely popular with their charges on Sunday morning, and their parents who get a break in the morning. The nursery is open from 9:00 am to the end of the 10:00 am service.


Vanilla Bean, Head Liturgist and Day School Chaplain

Vanilla Bean is passionate about doing Church correctly, and lacks any sense of humor when it comes to worship and religion. The Episcopal Church welcomes you, but Vanilla Bean definitely does not if you do not kneel at the right time or say “Alleluia” during Lent.

In addition to increasing everyone’s anxiety on Sunday morning, Vanilla Bean leads chapel services with the Day School twice a week, where she instills the next generation on the finer points on High Church worship in-between belly rubs.

In addition to being judgmental, Vanilla Bean enjoys chasing squirrels and her own tail.


Courtney Jukuri, Christian Education Minister

Courtney is a mom of three who loves to play, run and garden. She loves spending time with friends and family and doing things outside no matter the weather. Courtney is excited about working to support the youth at Saint Luke’s and looks forward to seeing their smiling faces Sunday mornings! She has a Bachelor of Arts in English and Women’s Studies from Merrimack College.


Stephanie Kaye, Director of Communications

Stephanie was looking for ways to become more involved with St. Luke’s, and graciously accepted the opportunity to become Director of Communications. A native of the great state of Indiana, Stephanie has a passion for teaching. She has taught in elementary schools both locally as well as in Tennessee. She has paused her teaching career to raise her three wonderful boys, who are/have been/or will be active in St. Luke’s Day School. In her free time Stephanie enjoys outdoor activities like golf and tennis as well as reading and spending time with friends and family.

Sally Lombardo, Seminarian