Welcome to St. Luke’s!

We have three worship opportunities on Sundays. Each service praises God and builds community in its own unique way. All services come from the Book of Common Prayer and celebrate Holy Eucharist when possible. We encourage you to come and see for yourself!

  • 8:00 AM Indoor Worship: This service is more quiet and contemplative than the other services. Music is offered, but less than the 10:00 am service. This service is intimate, warm, and perfect for those who want to begin their week in a meaningful and peaceful way.

  • 10:00 AM Indoor Worship: This is our largest service on Sunday morning, and it is also broadcast to our Facebook and YouTube pages. You can expect to find amazing Church music that is led by a choir.

  • 5:00 PM Outdoor Worship: This is a kid friendly service that we offer. When the weather is nice, we will meet in font of the church in the grove. Otherwise, we meet inside the Nave in the soft space.

  • 12 PM Wednesday Healing Service: Each Wednesday at noon we will have a Healing Service with Eucharist. The service is expected to be small, quiet and intimate, and will take place in the narthex.

Regarding Children in Church: Children are welcome to any of the services without exception. St. Luke’s is able to offer options so parents can make a plan that will work for their family. If parents need some grown-up time, the nursery is open beginning at 9:00 and goes through the 10:00 am service. If parent want to see their children digging in the dirt in worship, we will always have an outdoor option when possible. We also have a soft space in sanctuary for those who would like some extra room to wiggle while experiencing the service.

How to Know if St. Luke’s will Welcome You: We will. It is painful to hear how many have been pushed out of their faith communities. You will certainly find a home at St. Luke’s.

What to wear at St. Luke’s: Wear clothing. Beyond being clothed, there is no dress code.