st luke’s Vestry
One-third of the vestry is elected at our annual meeting in February. Members customarily serve three-year terms. The vestry meets on the second Sunday of every month at 11:15 a.m. For contact info, please see the ChurchLife app or contact the church office.
Mary Frances Daly (January 2025)
Senior Warden, Membership, SLDS
Christopher Hanks (January 2027)
Junior Warden, Resources
Mark Kauppi
(January 2026)
Resources, Register of the Vestry, Stewardship
Mike Saperstein (January 2026)
Resources, Finance
Saro Verghese
(January 2026)
Christian Formation, Outreach
Jennifer Bradley (January 2027)
Christian Formation, Education
Alex Rennick (January 2027)
Christian Formation, Worship
Melissa Brunton (January 2027)
Resources, Membership
Amanda Seese
Admin/Buildings and Grounds
Tom Hargrove
Representative to the Region
Nancy Pappas