St. Luke's seeks to be a safe church for all. All staff and volunteers who work around children, or administer programs that include children, are trained in the prevention of sexual abuse and misconduct. St. Luke's also strives to follow the Diocese of Virginia's Safe Practices.
Information on resources can be found below:
The Episcopal Diocese of Virginia: Who Needs Training?
All church employees and volunteers, vestry/wardens, and clergy must certify that they have read the Diocesan Policy Manual. Additionally, all clergy, lay employees, and volunteers working with youth and children must sign the certification stating that he/she has no prior sexual abuse arrests or convictions, has never committed and act of child sexual abuse, and has not been diagnosed with any paraphiliac psychological condition. The certificates must be completed and filed in the church office.
If you have not read the policy revised in July 2019, please read it and update your certification.
Additionally, many volunteers and workers, such as mission trip leaders, Sunday School Teachers (of children and adults), Youth Group Leaders, and Vestry members must complete training on the Prevention of Child Abuse and Sexual Misconduct and/or the Prevention of Adult Sexual Misconduct. In person and online courses are available; please consult the link above to see "Who Needs Training."
Certification Regarding the Reading of Diocesan Policy
St. Luke's staff and clergy are also required to undergo background checks and to provide references.
“Training is a crucial deterrent to child sexual abuse and adult sexual misconduct. Training educates clergy and lay people on what types of behaviors can foster an environment where misconduct can take place; equips ministers to recognize warning signs of misconduct; sets out nest practices for misconduct prevention; and provides a framework for response in the tragic event that misconduct does happen.”
The Episcopal Diocese of Virginia offers both in-person training or online training. It is recommended that those receiving training for the first time take a class in-person, but we realize that this is not always a possibility due to time constraints and other factors.
If you received training more than 10 years ago, you are required to renew your training by taking online courses or the Abbreviated Child and Adult Misconduct Prevention Workshops.
Within the Diocese of Virginia:
Please visit for information on accessing online training.