On-line giving:
St. Luke’s accepts donations via MasterCard, Visa, and direct debit for the following contributions:
Sunday Plate Offering
2025 pledge
2024 Pledge
Community Outreach
Gifts and Memorials
Go to https://abundant.co/saintlukesalexva/give
OR text StLukesAlexVA to 73256 followed by the desired gift amount. You will be prompted to select the fund(s) where you would like your contribution to be applied.
Schedule your 2025 pledge gifts before January! Thank you!
How to unschedule your 2024 pledge:
If you need assistance, please call the office!
Gift Options
Gifts of cash, checks, or an automatic deduction from your checking account are also convenient ways for most to give.
You may give financially to St. Luke's in many ways:
Many members make an annual pledge to support the operating fund of St. Luke's.
Gifts of stock
Memorial and thanksgiving gifts, to recognize and remember special people in our lives.
Legacy and planned gifts, to ensure the good works we've begun continue well beyond our own lifetimes.
Visit smile.amazon.com and designate St. Luke's as your charity of choice. A portion of your purchase comes back to St. Luke's Day School.
The Endowment Fund of Saint Luke’s was established to provide long- term investments for the support and benefit of the programs and ministries of the church. The Endowment Fund is distinct from other giving opportunities such as the annual pledge campaign or special capital campaigns.
Through the Endowment Fund Saint Luke’s members and friends may make gifts to the church which become part of the permanent fund that continues to give as a loving memorial to the donor or a designated person.
The Endowment Fund serves to support and sustain the visionary goals of Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church, Wellington Parish.
The Endowment Fund is not a substitute for annual financial stewardship and does not exist to meet current operating needs. Rather, the Endowment Fund will strengthen our foundation and support our neighbors by investing in:
Capital needs to maintain and improve our buildings and grounds
Christian outreach through mission and ministries
Occasional special projects as may arise.
All expenditures from the Endowment Fund are subject to approval by the Vestry.
Giving Options
Gifts to the Endowment Fund can be made in the form of cash or planned gifts. There are numerous planned giving options. Please consult your estate planner or attorney for specific guidance on the options that are available.
Financial Management
The Endowment Fund of Saint Luke’s Church is subject to sustained and prudent management. The Endowment Fund is professionally managed through the Diocesan portfolio which has historically combined solid growth with low overhead and management fees.