December 15, 2021

Merry Christmas to Saint Luke's! Following are notes from the December 14 Vestry meeting.

  • Reviewed the Treasurer's report. Income for the month of November exceeded expenses. We project a year-end surplus that will be rolled over to the 2022 operating budget. It was noted that Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) grants enabled us to maintain operations without drawing from reserves as had been anticipated at the beginning of the year. Our endowment fund, held at the Diocese, was valued at $421,845 as of November 30.

  • Received report from Don Hazen, parish hall renovation project manager. Construction is essentially complete with "punch" list items being worked on. Permanent wood doors are due this week for installation and the audio/visual control box is due to be installed in February. Meeting room and gathering space furniture has arrived. The area is undergoing thorough cleaning with a ribbon cutting scheduled for January 16. Thanks to Don and the Building for Ministry team for their service on behalf of St. Luke's.

  • Christine Kelly reported that a rough planning estimate for construction of the outdoor lighting has been received and is under review. The architect will be directed to finalize plans. The lighting project committee is working to identify all costs (permitting, design, construction) for presentation to the Vestry.

  • Richard McFarland reported on the heating system. While a long awaited part was recently installed we continue to experience heating system shutdowns when the system fails to automatically restart. This requires a member of the staff to manually restart our heat. We continue to work with our HVAC service provider to identify the issue(s) to resolve the situation.

  • Lee Gilmore provided a wrap-up of the stewardship campaign. We received 91 pledges totaling $430,511. There were 68 pledges with increased commitment to St. Luke's and five new pledges. Much thanks to Lee and the Stewardship Committee for conducting a well organized, structured, and disciplined campaign. In sum, we reached a total dollar pledge amount consistent with our pre-pandemic pledge for the 2020 operating budget. Great work and thanks to all for your commitment and generosity.

  • Paul Johnson, Finance Committee chair, presented a proposed operating budget for 2022. The budget, based on pledges and other sources of income including rents and rollover from 2021 surplus, permits us to provide cost of living and pay adjustments to current staff, slight increases in several budget lines, increased commitment to our Diocese pledge, and the ability to hire a Sexton. The Vestry approved the proposed budget. Much thanks to Paul and the Finance Committee who worked in close coordination with the Treasurer, Parish Administrator, and Stewardship Committee. We are in a strong financial position as we enter 2022.

  • Nick discussed a broad range of topics and observations under the general theme of "Bringing Ministry Back." He identified numerous strengths as well as areas needing attention for Vestry consideration. Something we need to pay attention to is identifying, welcoming, and integrating newcomers (without overwhelming them)...we are ok in this regard but there is plenty of room for improvement. Nick noted that GAMMC, the Ghaniain congregation, will return December 19. He also reviewed the Christmas service schedule and noted the office will be closed the week after Christmas.

  • Nick, following up on the November Vestry discussion, reported that he has spoken with the new Vestry class. Candidates have been identified for nomination and election during the February 6 Parish Meeting. We discussed the process and potential candidates for nomination for Senior and Junior Warden, Treasurer, and Register of the Vestry to be elected at the February Vestry meeting.

  • Lee Gilmore reminded us that the annual greening of the church is this Saturday, 18 December, 8:00 a.m. Many hands are welcome to help out.

  • Please mark your calendar and save the date, Sunday February 6 following the 10:00 a.m. service for the Parish Meeting in the Parish Hall.

Thank you. Merry Christmas and see you next year if not sooner.

Richard McFarland

Senior Warden