FEBRUARY 10, 2022
Fellow Saint Luker's
Thank you for your participation in the Annual Meeting held via Zoom on Sunday, February 6. There were 71 separate logins with many having multiple participants. A great turnout demonstrating the energy and vitality of our church community! You unanimously elected new Vestry members Caroline Tringali, John Smaha, Wendy Joachim, and Mary Frances Daly. We give thanks for the service of departing Vestry members Reisa Kall, Christine Kelly, John Little, and Tim Staples.
The new Vestry conducted its first meeting Tuesday, February 8 with all members in attendance. Nick welcomed the new Vestry members and provided his thoughts on duties, responsibilities, and expectations for service on the Vestry. We then nominated and elected individuals to fill the following positions.
- Senior Warden, Richard McFarland
- Junior Warden, Amy Moorman
- Treasurer, Alan, Hope
- Register, Caroline Tringali
Nick announced that Mary Frances Daly will fill the Vestry member position on the Saint Luke's Day School Board. She replaces Cathy McPeek who served for many years. Thank you Cathy for your service.
Richard provided an update on Building for Ministry projects. We are waiting for final invoices on the completed Parish Hall construction contract. The audio/visual system is not complete, we are waiting for the control box that will integrate and operate the entire system. The outdoor lighting project is proceeding. Drawings are out for bid and request for permits submitted to the county.
Paul Johnson, Finance Committee chair, provided background on the outdoor lighting project and presented a motion to authorize funding. The Finance Committee, in coordination with Alan Hope,Treasurer and Christine Kelly, project manager, requested authorization of up to, but not to exceed, $200k for all costs associated with the project including design, permitting, and construction. The Vestry approved the motion authorizing funding.
Nick provided his thoughts and guidance on several topics under the heading Bringing Ministry Back. He discussed our continuing response to COVID and actions to ensure we are safe and welcoming within the Church and Day School. We are proceeding to fill our part-time Sexton position. A draft job description is written. We will compare with a job description received from Pohick Church to help clearly articulate the requirements. We hope to hold a Fat Tuesday pancake supper (pancakes, cheese grits, baked apples, sausage) for pick up to go. Nick reached out and arranged for guest leaders for our Lenten program of daily prayer. A confirmation program is in development for a class to be presented during the Bishop's visit on May 15.
The next Vestry meeting will be held in conjunction with our Vestry retreat March 5. We are planning for a live meeting to be held at Saint Luke's. The main topic is to start the process to transition Nick from Priest-in-Charge to Rector. The Vestry with Nick will conduct a Mutual Ministry Review facilitated by the Diocese of Virginia Canon to the Ordinary, the Very Reverend Abbott Bailey.
Richard McFarland
Senior Warden