May 12, 2022
Fellow Saint Luker's
I am providing some short notes from the Vestry meeting held on May 10. However, before I do I want to echo Nick's caution to us all in the e-communication that went out May 10th regarding the current COVID situation at Saint Luke's. Despite our vigilance, several Saint Luker's have recently tested positive, myself included. Please take to heart Nick's message. Don't let your guard down. Heed his request and encouragement to take extra precautions so that we may continue to worship together safely. Thank you for your understanding.
Following are notes from the Vestry meeting.
- Approved the Saint Luke's Day School operating budget for 2022-2023.
- Approved the minutes of the April 12 Vestry meeting and reviewed the Treasurer's report. Operating income continues to run ahead of operating expenses year-to-date.
- Reviewed status of Building for Ministry projects. We expect the final audio/video component for the parish hall in the Fall and are still waiting for permits from Fairfax County on the parking lot lighting project. The lighting construction contract was received and approved.
- John Smaha is in the process of standing up an active Building and Grounds committee. John is putting plans in place to address the extensive overgrowth around the North and East perimeters of our property. Some general beautification of our landscape has been completed by Nick and Cecil, our Sexton, along the Fort Hunt Road side of the building. Please watch for communications seeking volunteers to assist on both individual and group basis.
- The Vestry continues to move forward with the intent to call Nick as our Rector. The Senior and Junior Wardens, along with Paul Johnson, former Search Committee Chair, intend to host an adult forum in the month of June to lay out the path ahead and hear your thoughts. In the meantime you are welcome and encouraged to share with any member of the Vestry.
- Nick reviewed his intentions regarding paternity leave. He will miss services on August 7 and 14 and then be available for Sunday services only through the remainder of his leave and not available during the work week. There will be more to follow but please be mindful and respect his time away.
- Nick has challenged us as we begin to plan for the 2023 operating budget. He sees the need and opportunity to add staff in the way of a part time Lay Family Minister. The specific role and responsibilities are to be defined.
- The annual parish picnic will be held at Mount Vernon Park after the 10:00 a.m. service on Sunday June 5th. Reynold Schweickhardt has the lead and will provide more information shortly.
-The BBQ was an outstanding success! Thank you to Chris Pegher, the BBQ leadership team, and all who participated. Chris reports we grossed over $6,000.00, not bad for our first full-up BBQ since 2019. We scaled things back a little in anticipation of a weather event but that had little impact as we sold out in record time. Congratulations to all.
Thank you and stay safe.
Richard McFarland
Senior Warden