APRIL 12, 2022
Dear St. Luke's,
The Vestry held our monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 12. The following are highlights from the meeting.
- We reviewed the Treasurer's Report and Balance Sheet for March. Our operating income year-to-date exceeds expenses by $18,349. The Diocesen Endowment Fund was valued at $402,562 as of March 31.
- Nick discussed the annual Confirmed Communicant in Good Standing Report and The 2021 Special Report (Parochial Report). The Vestry approved both reports and, in doing so, approved Rob Lamb as Lay Delegate to the 228th Annual Convention of the DIocese of Virginia.
- The Vestry approved the Pumpkin Patch fundraising application. Thank you to Melissa Brunton, Kim Witzmann, and Kim Rennick for volunteering to lead this great annual event. Key dates are October 8 through November 1.
- Amy Moorman, Junior Warden, provided an update on the outdoor lighting project. We received a contract proposal and are waiting for county permitting before proceeding. Thank you to Christine Kelly and John Young for their presentation on the project during the April 10 adult forum and especially for Christine's leadership.
- John Smaha, Vestry lead for Admin, Buildings and Grounds, reported we are under contract with a new HVAC service provider for a three year period of performance. Thank you again to Christine for her leadership and to Tom Stallman for his technical expertise in review, negotiation, and transition to the new contractor.
- Reynold Schweickhardt with Wendy Joachim, Vestry leads for Membership, reviewed the annual calendar of major membership and fellowship events. Reynold noted that some events have very strong leadership and participation while others not so much. We will be assessing how we continue to regather and strengthen our engagement with one another.
- Amy Moorman reported on Finance Committee activities and recent discussion with Don Hazen on long term strategy. Don presented an overview of Fabric of St. Luke's (FoSL) for the committee's understanding of long term infrastructure and physical plant objectives.
- We reviewed the materials from our March Vestry Retreat Mutual Ministry Review. Amy Moorman consolidated and captured the main takeaways from the review which will help guide the Vestry as we discern the path forward to call Nick as our Rector.
- Nick reported our newest staff member, Cecil Allen, started work as part time Sexton. We are very fortunate to have Cecil as he is highly skilled and knows our facilities having been the on-site foreman for the recent parish hall renovation.
- Nick discussed his plans for paternity leave that, if the stork cooperates, will run from early August through early October. Nick is considering a phased and flexible approach to include Sunday services. More to follow.
- The annual Catesby Jones/St. Luke's BBQ is on for May 7. This is an "all hands" event. Please volunteer and sign up to help.
- Mark your calendar for Sunday, June 5th for the annual Parish Picnic held at Mount Vernon Park.
Thank you and Happy Easter
Richard McFarland
Senior Warden