March 12
Building for Ministry Update to the Congregation
Good day, I’m Richard McFarland, Senior Warden of Saint Luke’s Vestry. I’m reaching out to you to provide an important update on two capital projects that comprise Building for Ministry. They are renovation of our Parish Hall and installation of Exterior Lighting in our parking areas. Before I begin, I want to recognize the team that put their time, energy, and passion into developing plans that meet the will of the congregation. Thank you goes to co-chairs Don Hazen and John Young for their leadership. The team worked to plan, develop, and implement these two significant projects on behalf of Saint Luke’s and our church community. Their efforts have been many years in the making and the projects are nearing the construction phase.
On March 6th Don Hazen provided a presentation to the Vestry detailing an approach for success for project realization. I want to provide you, the congregation, a top-level overview of where we are and how the Vestry plans to proceed.
Please click here to read the full text of Richard's update, or watch this video.