February 12

During the February 9, 2021 Vestry meeting the following was discussed and/or acted upon as required.

1. Received nomination and elected Richard McFarland as Senior Warden. Christine Kelly agreed to continue to serve as Junior Warden.

2. Reviewed position of Registrar and Regional Representative. No change at this time.

3. Approved revision of 2021 Operating Budget incorporating a new pledge and extending Letter of Agreement for Chip Russell through April 2021.

4. Approved "parsonage allowance" for Nick Hull as a component of his total compensation. This was an administrative action with no impact to the operating budget.

5. Administered Diocese of Virginia "Qualifying Statement" per Canon to new Vestry members.

6. Received comments and feedback from Nick based on his time with us to date.

7. Reviewed various administrative actions to ensure clear and open lines of communication.

8. Nick discussed plans for Ash Wednesday and Lenten Season.

8. Announced Vestry Retreat, virtual, scheduled for March 6, 2021. Topics to be determined.

As newly elected Senior Warden it is my aim to work with the Vestry hand-in-hand with our Clergy to best meet the needs of our congregation within our community. Nick landed with us during a time of uncertainty. He is off to a great start as we begin to peek beyond the challenges of the last twelve months. I look forward with excitement to seeing where he can take us.

I wish to express my thanks and gratitude to George Omohundro for his steady and patient leadership as Senior Warden. He expertly guided us through some tough times. In addition, Christine Kelly played a critical role in preparation for the next phase of the Building for Ministry capital campaign. I look forward to working with her as our Junior Warden and fully expect to continue to utilize her skills and knowledge to help deliver on key infrastructure projects identified in the campaign.

If you tuned into last week's Annual Meeting you already know it was a success...we didn't skip a beat. Special thanks to Susan Bentley for pulling together and publishing the Annual Report. I know this was a tough and time consuming job given the complexities of our virtual communications. And to Chip Russell, wow! I didn't know voting could be so easy. Thank you Chip for giving us a reliable virtual platform to conduct our required business.

Please reach out to me or other members of the Vestry if you have something you wish to discuss pertinent to Saint Luke's.


Richard McFarland

Senior Warden