JULY 12, 2022
First and foremost, and in case you missed the earlier announcement, our primary agenda item was the vote to call Nick as the 8th Rector of St. Luke's. Nick accepted the call and we are in the process of clearing administrative details with the Diocese before we can officially remove the "Priest in Charge" title. This is the culmination of the search process that began following Tuck Bowerfind's departure in 2019 and after eighteen months with Nick as Priest in Charge. An installation service and celebration will be held at a future date to be determined. The Vestry and Nick recognized the importance of the occasion with vigorous ringing of the St. Luke's bell followed by a toast with the best champagne that Costco has to offer. Please join the Wardens and Vestry in congratulating Nick.
The Vestry reviewed and approved minutes of the June 14 Vestry meeting and reviewed the Treasurer's Report. Our operating budget continues to be strong with income exceeding expenses year-to-date.
Junior Warden Amy Moorman provided an update from Christine Kelly on the outdoor lighting project. Christine conducted an on-site light location review with the contractor earlier this week and reports that digging will begin shortly. Please see the plan as posted on the easel just inside the portico entrance to the Narthex.
Paul Johnson reported on Finance Committee activities with focus on developing the 2023 operating budget. The budget plan will include establishment of a part time position for a Christian Education and Formation Coordinator. The committee also is reviewing policies and procedures for managing our endowment and will recommend reestablishment of the Endowment Fund Board to be appointed by the Vestry. Lee Gilmore, in coordination with Paul Johnson, will once again head the annual every member canvas to fund the 2023 operating budget.
Skip Jones provided an information update on the St. Luke's Sacred Ground Circle. He discussed the activities of a dedicated group of St. Luker's who have studied various aspects of racial issues in our society over the past twelve months. The Circle participants are in the process of discerning what they now feel called to do with their learning. Please read the topic papers that Skip and other members of the Circle provide over the summer.
Nick updated the Vestry on plans for Paternity leave and his availability while on leave. He intends to be gone the first two Sunday's in August and return for Sundays only for the remainder of his leave. He will not be available in the office during this time.
Along with the annual craft fair, parish retreat, and pumpkin patch, we have plans for a full slate of upcoming activities including outdoor work day, August 6, Homecoming, August 28, and Senior Saints Luncheon, November 6.
Enjoy the rest of the summer. Peace
Richard McFarland
Senior Warden