November 15, 2022
Fellow Parishioners,
Following are notes from the November 15 Vestry Meeting
Don Hazen, representing the Fabric of Saint Luke's (FoSL) Committee reported on committee activity. The final component for our parish hall audio/video system is expected in January. Installation of parking lot lights will begin after Thanksgiving. Don stated that FoSL will recommend two infrastructure projects for 2023; repair of the Nave ceiling and light circuitry, and replacement of the North and West facing windows with double pane energy-efficient windows.
Skip Jones, representing the Sacred Ground Circle, reported on a recommendation to create an operating budget line for racial reparation for twice-a-year donations to local charities working to support disadvantaged communities in our area.
Paul Johnson, Finance Chair, presented a top-level notional strawman 2023 operating budget that will be finalized for the December Vestry meeting dependent upon the final outcome of the Stewardship campaign.
Lee Gilmore, Stewardship Chair, provided the current status of the campaign. To date, there are 89 pledges for approximately $394,000. While this is short of the goal, we consider this a very successful outcome with many new pledges received.
Amy provided an overview of the Treasurer's Report. We remain financially healthy. Year-to-date operating expenses are running slightly ahead of income but we expect that will balance out over the remainder of the year, as is historically the case.
Wendy Joachim, representing Fellowship, provided a summary from the Senior Saints Luncheon. In the future, we will organize and plan so that several highly noteworthy Senior Saints are not engaged in the event's preparation and execution so that they can fully participate as honorees.
Nick expressed his gratitude for the installation service and receptions.
Nick asked the off-going Vestry class of Scott Cameron, Lee Gilmore, Carlo Uchello, and Reynold Schweickhardt to take the lead in identifying a slate of candidates for Vestry to be presented for a vote during the annual meeting in February. Nick is working to revitalize two critical committees; Admin, Building and Grounds, and Membership/Fellowship.
Mary Frances Daly, Vestry rep to Saint Luke's Day School reported the Day School is in initial planning to replace playground equipment.
Richard McFarland summarized a Pumpkin Patch close-out report provided by Melissa Brunton. As always the Pumpkin Patch was a huge success with proceeds expected to exceed 2021 slightly. Thanks to the leadership team for their dedication and energy and to all who helped make the Patch a success for Saint Luke's and the community. A focus for next year will be recruiting and training volunteers.
Two fundraising requests were circulated via email and approved prior to the Vestry Meeting.
Happy Thanksgiving
Richard and Amy