September 15, 2021
The following highlights are from the 14 September Vestry meeting
- Reviewed the Treasurer's report. Year-to-date expenses exceed income however when Payroll Protection Plan (PPP). grant funds are recognized total income exceeds expenses.
- Richard reported that the annual Independent Accounting Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures for the period ending December 31, 2020, was completed and submitted to the Diocese in August.
- Reviewed report from Don Hazen, parish hall renovation project manager. At week seven of an estimated sixteen week construction schedule we are currently on schedule and within budget for occupancy in early-mid November. There are several change orders including reinforcement of a wooden truss, discovered during demolition, and a workaround to acquire temporary doors while waiting for the availability of permanent doors that have a long lead time. The audio/visual contract was signed and a pre-installation meeting is being scheduled. Chris Weaver is working with a team to select furnishings. Don thanked Treasurer Alan Hope and Parish Administrator Sue Bentley for their efforts interfacing with the bank and administrative support respectively.
- Christine Kelly reported on the outdoor lighting project. Christine is heading a team consisting of John Young, Amanda Wallingford, Bob McPeek and Amy Moorman. They recently held an initial planning meeting with the architect. Christine submitted, and the Vestry approved, a motion to enter into a contract with LSG Inc., Landscape Architecture for project planning.
- Paul Johnson reported on Finance Committee activity including establishing a straw-man operating budget for 2022. This lead to a report from Lee Gilmore on Stewardship Commitee activity and preparation for this Fall's stewardship campaign. Our list of "wants" translates to a challenging budget which will require a robust response in pledges.
- Nick updated the Vestry on "bringing ministry back." There was a buzz of activity this past Sunday, homecoming, with a large turnout of parishioners, youth activities and the choir back for the 10:00 a.m. service. Nick also addressed our continuing response to covid-19. He noted our response to a recent covid-19 positive case was completely in line with the Bishop's recently released guidance. The Vestry discussed what additional steps we might consider to ensure we remain both safe and welcoming. In the meantime, please remain masked indoors and consider accessing our live stream service if you are not feeling quite up to par.
- Paul Johnson reflected on the life of the recently deceased Reverend Mike Moore. Paul submitted, and the Vestry approved, a resolution honoring Mike's years of service to St. Luke's in a variety of clergy positions and as a parishioner. Carlo Uchello noted that Mike was instrumental in organizing and leading the Via Media adult forum series.
- Upcoming parish events: Craft Fair September 18, Parish Retreat October 1-3, Pumpkin Patch 9-31 October