Father Nick Prepares for Easter Service

Dear St. Luke’s, 

Easter preparations are underway! Lent has flown by and in just over a week our most sacred time will begin as we have our palm branches in the area as we live into the passion narrative. Holy Week will transition us from repentance and self-examination to the wonder and jubilation of the Easter Season, and everything that we do in Easter should be a reflection of that joy.

If the pandemic were not still lingering and we could drink from the common cup, I would suggest that we use a bold and fruity wine for communion during the Easter Season. In the past, I have used deliciously fruity pinot noirs for Easter, while sticking with dry cabernets for Lent. There is no rule that we must use Port wine for communion! I have heard some Churches even use champagne for Easter Sunday, but even that is a bit much for me.

Once again, the pandemic is pushing us out of our comfort zone if we are going to try to harness this same spirit with the resources at our disposal. This year for our Easter Season we are going to change our communion bread to match the simple joy of Easter Sunday, and we want your help! I have created an online poll where you can vote on what our communion bread should be during this season. You can choose from three choices: Twinkies, Snoballs, and Ho Hos. 

These are our only three options for theological reasons. Easter ends with the day of Pentecost, which is when the disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit. When we eat these cream-filled treats we can be reminded of how we will be filled with the Spirit at the end of the fifty-day season of Easter. 

With that being said, there is no perfect cake for communion bread. Snoballs definitely have the correct colors and aesthetic for Easter, but the coconut may be a problem for those with allergies. Ho hos are drab on the outside, but are by far the best tasting. Twinkies are visually neutral, but nostalgia may make them a winner. Whichever gets the most votes will be our official communion bread for Easter, so don’t forget to vote!

We can’t wait to see you at Easter, and thank you for helping make this Easter Season joyful and memorable!

You can vote by following this link, and polls will be open through Holy Saturday.

