A Word of Farewell from Fr. Chip
One of the greatest and most precious gifts to be received as a Priest is to be held in the hearts of those to whom you minister. Not every pastoral relationship is easy. The strain of difficult times and the chances of life can sour even what is good. So to be held in love by the laity of a parish is a beautiful thing.
A gift like that is not to be taken lightly.
Thank you St. Luke’s.
My time with you has been intense; filled with adaptation and perseverance. At every turn I found myself working alongside volunteers rising to meet the moment's challenges.
The restoration of our worship life to the Nave while continuing to gather outdoors was a high point in showing just how willing and able St. Luke’s is to be God’s Church, even during a pandemic.
I have learned from you and received grace from you. In return, I dedicated the skill God has given me to serving and loving you with Christ as my guide.
It would feel like too soon for me to take my leave even if I stayed another decade. I know that because I feel called to be in places that God is at work. St. Luke’s is one of those places.
Nick is a skilled pastor and Priest. I’m grateful you called him to be your Priest-In-Charge so that I could get to know him and learn from him these last few months. Know also that I will be keeping an eye out for the great work that you continue to do together under his leadership.
St. Luke’s is not less for my going. I am better for having been sent by St. Luke’s.
God’s Peace be with you,
Fr. Chip