Notes and guidelines about in-person regathering from Fr. Nick

I wrote the letter below right before the CDC made their new guidelines saying vaccinated people no longer have to wear masks inside, and I hate to disappoint you, but we all have to continue to wear masks while at Church. In an odd way, this perfectly proves my point that we must remain patient and steadfast as we respond to a very fluid situation. I hope that we take this as evidence that relief to the pandemic is right around the corner. Whatever changes we will implement at St. Luke’s will be in accordance with guidelines from the national, state and local governments, as well as from the Bishop. This means things will move slower, but they will likely also be crafted to our specific situation. Below is the letter that went out to the congregation about our plans to worship back in the building in the near future. I hope to see you in person soon!


Dear St. Luke’s,

We are taking a big step in the right direction and about to resume worship back in our building. This is exciting, but things will be much different than you remember.

Below you will find basic guidelines on attending Church on Sunday while COVID restrictions are in place. We will be worshipping indoors at the 10:00 am service, possibly as soon as May 23 (watch your emails!). If you feel unsafe worshipping indoors or in person there will still be the outdoor option at 8:00 am and the service will still be broadcast to Facebook and YouTube. We want to make this process as safe and easy as possible. If you have any questions or issues, do not hesitate to contact the Church office!

How to Register to Attend Worship on Sunday Mornings at 10AM:

1. You will receive a weekly e-mail from the Church to register online. Simply click on the link within the e-mail and follow the instructions.

2. Select a pew. The pew numbers correspond with the seating map on the registration page. Each pew can accommodate a different amount of people

3. Enter your name and how many people will be joining you. You may only sit with people from your household.

4. Please remember your pew number when you arrive on Sunday!

Guidelines for Worshipping at St. Luke’s:

1. Masks are required at all times and please maintain 6 feet of social distance from other individuals and families the entire time.

2. Congregational singing, even while masked, is not permitted.

3. Congregating is not permitted. Though we miss coffee hour and chatting with our friends, we are not yet able resume this part of our Church experience.

4. Lobby bathrooms are available for emergencies only.

5. Do not leave your pew to pass the peace or shake hands. Bow, wave or do whatever is respectful and let your neighbor know that you wish them God’s peace.

6. Please observe the guidelines. The church is permitted by the Diocese to reopen under these specific guidelines.

On Sunday Morning:

1. You must enter through the center set of the triple doors adjacent to the main (south) parking lot.

2. Ushers will admit families one at a time. If you have to wait to be admitted, please keep distance from other individuals and families.

3. Go straight to your pew. There will be signs to remind you where your pew is located, and ushers will be there to assist you, if necessary.

4. Please sit in your assigned pew. The nave was carefully mapped out to comply with Diocese COVID guidelines. Please do not move to a different pew or remove the roping/ribbon from cordoned off pews.

5. You will be able to download bulletins beforehand via our weekly links email, and a limited number of printed bulletins will be available. Please take them with you when you leave to dispose of at home.

6. Pass the peace while staying in your pew through waving, bowing or some other respectful gesture.

7. The ushers will release each pew individually to receive communion. When it is your turn go straight to the altar, receive your wafer, dispose of the cup and return straight to your pew in the way that you arrived.

8. After the postlude, the ushers will dismiss pews one at a time to leave.

As I write this, I am filled with joy and hope that we are about to worship together again, but I am disheartened that there will be so many restrictions. COVID has touched all of us in different ways, and I am determined to ensure that our sacred place of worship will be a safe place to worship Thank you again for your faithfulness and your patience while we navigate this “regathering time” together.

