A Word from Fr. Chip about the Easter Season
We made it! Easter is here and the sun is shining (most days anyways). And our Lord and Savior is risen from the dead!
Which is all well and good until I released the other day that I spent weeks slogging through the season of Lent only to end up on the day of Easter with a loud shout and then silence.
That is not how it’s supposed to be!
Easter is a season spreading across 50 days. That number is deliberately 10 more than the 40 days of Lent. Easter is a whole number of completeness greater than Lent. The celebration of our Lord’s triumph is more than the time we spent in preparation for it.
Remembering that Easter is not one day, one service, or one moment can be life giving. We are called forward by our traditions in the church to spend almost 2 months in joy and celebration. You’ll hear Nick and I begin services with a cry of joy at Jesus’ resurrection throughout Easter. The shout of Alleluia is once again on our lips during the Eucharist.
Just as we were called to prepare, we are now even more fully called into joy, hope, and celebration.
Know that you are in my prayers this happy season and that as we live and breathe so too our Lord lives and breathes. Alleluia!
In Joy,
Fr. Chip