The Road to Emmaus, the Slough of Despond: how to keep going on your pilgrim journey.

A video message from the The Rev. Veronika Travis for the third week of Easter.

In this video, Veronika asks St. Luker's to reflect on ways to get out of the Slough of Despond ( an image from Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress), which is an allegory for the disillusionment one may feel at certain early points in a long difficult journey, like a pilgrimage or a response to a long-lasting crisis. Bunyan's character gets out of the Slough only after accepting help from another person (usefully named "Help" in the story).

She asks those who can to reach out to her with Easter joy that they are noticing or experiencing in the midst of this difficult time so that it may be shared with others who are not feeling much joy. If you would like to send photos, reflections, brief thoughts or other messages to be shared with the community, please send them to

Of course, if you are feeling low and not seeing much joy, please reach out to Veronika or to a friend in the church. As the video reflection says, we all need help to get out of the Slough of Despond.